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Impacts Space Exploration Has on Society

  • We discover more of the unknown-  As of today, we all believe there is another life form somewhere. With exploration, we can find out about anything surrounding our planet.

  • Can dramatically change how we live in  our lives- When we explore we have to solve many problems and overcome many obstacles and the technology we invent can often be transferred to other areas of our lives making them better. Do you like your Iphone?

  • Find more resources to make use of- As resources get scarce on Earth we can mine them on other celestial bodies.

  • Give us warning to possible meteoroid strikes- Earth as been struck in the past and as led to major extinctions so by knowing of possible strikes we can prepare and maybe redirect and possibly avoid an Earth impact.

  • Cost-'' The expert panel puts the total cost of a 20 year program culminating in a manned mission to mars in the range of $80 to $100 billion. "

  • Higher taxes- to fund NASA's programs.

  • Possible astronaut deaths and injuries- People loose drive when people get hurt or die during explorations.

  • May contaminate earth with foreign and invasive things- When space exploration happens, there is a possible chance of germs sticking to spacecraft. 

  • More space missions means more space trash and more objects falling down to earth- According to NASA "more than 500,000 pieces of space debris have already been left in orbit"additional missions may lead to more.

  • Rocket exhaust can ruin the ozone layer-When solid-fueled rockets launch, they release chlorine which creates chlorine oxides. These oxides can destroy our Stratosphere. If this happens, harmful sun rays can come through and make our world hotter and blind us.

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