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Evolution of Manned Space Vehicles

 X-15 Rocket Plane (1959- 1968)

The X-15 Rocket Plane was one of the first space vehicles. The X-15 was used for development of techniques and equipment. About 200 flights were made between 1959 and 1968. These flights helped with the Space Race and creation of the Space Shuttle.

 Skylab (1973-1979)

The Skylab  (picture at the bottom) has been the first and only space station built independently by the U.S. On May 14, 1973, Skylab was launched at a weight of 169,950 lb. By the quality of the Lab's thermal protection and one-electricity generating solar panel, making Skylab receive damage.

 Space Shuttle Program (1981-2011)

This Shuttle Program (picture at the bottom) was NASA's focus in the early 1980's. The Space Shuttle Program contained rocket planet orbiter with an external fuel tank and two solid fuel launch rockets on its side. This program sent over 300 astronauts into space and lasted for 30 years.

 International Space Station (1998- current)

 The Russian Mir-2, American Freedom, and the European Columbus projects are the combination that make the International Space Station (picture at the bottom). The International Space Station is joint project between Nasa, RKA, JAXA, ESA, and CSA. The International Space Station is the largest artificial satellite in Earth orbit. Also, the largest space station ever created.

Project Mercury (1959-1963)
  Project Mercury (picture at the bottom) begun in 1959. Project Mercury costed $277 million dollars in U.S. The worn end was covered with a heat shield to help protect from 3,000 degree heat when entering the atmosphere.

 Dragon (2012-current)

Dragon made history in 2012. The Dragon became the first commercial spacecraft. The Dragon was launched aboard the Falcon 9 rocket. Dragon is the only ISS cargo craft able to return items including samples back to the ground. The power for the Dragon is two solar array wings on the trunk.

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