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Evolution of Unmanned Space Vehicles

 Mars Global Surveyor (1996-2007)

The Mars Global Surveyor (picture at the bottom) was developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and was made as an American robotic spacecraft. The Mars Global Surveyor was launched on November 1996 and NASA officialy ended the mission on January 2007. 

 Pioneer 10 (1972-2003)

The Pioneer 10 (picture at the bottom) became the first spacecraft to achieve minimum speed need for an object to escape from a massive body. The Pioneer 10 achieved that name by being the first mission to Jupiter. Because of the loss of electric power, radio communications were lost.

Sputnik 2 (1957-1958)

The Sputnik 2 was a satellite that took the first animal to space. The living animal was a dog named, Laika. Laika died after hours of takeoff. Everyone said they knew she would die from panic and overheating. The satellite still went on from when it started, November 3, 1957, and continued to April 14,1958.

 Hiten (1990-1993)

Hiten's name in English is Celestial Maiden. When Hiten was launched, it became the first lunar probe to ever be launched from anywhere other than the Soviet Union or the United States. After the Hiten did it's ninth lunar swing-by and second aero-breaking maneuver, the mission of the probe was over.

Lunar Orbiter 2(1966-1967)

The Lunar Orbiter 2 (picture at the bottom) contained 4 instruments. There was the Lunar Photographic Studies, Meteoroid Detectors, Caesium lodide Dosimeters, and Selenodesety . The Lunar Orbiter 2's job was to photograph smooth areas of lunar surface for safe landings of Surveyor and Apollo.

Boeing X-37  (1999-current)

The Boeing X-37 (picture at the bottom) is a reusable unmanned spacecraft. The Boeing X-37 has done three spaceflights and one is in progress. Boeing X-37 started as a NASA progress but then the U.S. Department of Defense claimed it.  The Boeing X-37 was inspired by Boeing X-40.

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